by Annie's Angels Memorial Fund
Recent Donations
Friends of Carlisle Academy exists to benefit the health and well-being of children and adults who participate in Carlisle Academy’s community programs. The fund underwrites special programs, sponsors education and training for emerging leaders in the field, and stewards the horses and farm resources in service to these community programs.
Friends of Carlisle Academy utilizes the fiscal sponsorship of Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund Inc. whose mission is to provide services and funding to individuals and families struggling with a life-threatening disease, illness, or disability. Through this agreement, Annie’s Angel’s Board of Directors provides general oversight and retains full governance of the fund.
Drumming For Parkinson's & Elder Care
Walter Burns Fishing Day
Friends of Carlisle Academy Fund
Amanda Ranauro Autism Assistance Fund
The Epilogue Group
Dawn Terlizzi Sunshine Fund
Universal Changing Station Alliance
*Arts for Angels™ Brings Joy & Connection*
Help Us Help Clients With Cancer
Angel Pets For Vets
Weinberger Family Assistance Fund
The Barr Family Fund
Positive Thoughts For Keri
Kale Pitts Quality of Life Fund
Emily’s Medical Assistance Fund
Carter Family Medical Fund
Brandon & Nathan Van Fund
The Kloosterman Family Fund